Raptor Nation: baseball will be playing varsity first tonight at 5:30. #CLAWSUP
2 months ago, Joel Brus
Ridge View student athletes: Never too soon to start thinking about updating your physical for the 24-25 school year.
2 months ago, Joel Brus
Last opportunity to catch the Ridge View baseball team at home in the regular season. They host East Sac County tonight in Holstein starting with JV at 5:30.
2 months ago, Joel Brus
Raptors softball wins 11-1 in 5 innings. They are playing again tonight in Galva at 5:30 in JV/Varsity action.
2 months ago, Joel Brus
Rv softball
Three more opportunities to come watch the Ridge View softball team at home this week. Tonight versus GTRA. Thursday versus KOPRV and Friday versus Emmetsburg. 5:30 first pitch for JV/ Varsity doubleheaders. #CLAWSUP
2 months ago, Joel Brus
Softball will play at OABCIG tomorrow night JV/Varsity starting at 5:30 in Battle Creek.
2 months ago, Joel Brus
The Holstein United Methodist Church is starting a new program through their Mission Committee to provide free school supplies and backpacks to all KINDERGARTENERS enrolled for the 2024/2025 school year in the Galva/Holstein School District! The program is called Friends of the Raptors. The deadline to register for this program is July 18th, 2024. To register, simply email the church at holsteinmethodistchurch@gmail.com , or call 712-368-2678 between the hours of 9:15 AM to 12:15 PM Monday through Thursday. The information needed will be the student's name, parent's name(s), and phone number for contact information. Pickup date will be at the Holstein United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall on Saturday, August 3rd between the hours of 9AM and 12:00 PM. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Holstein United Methodist Church!
2 months ago, Caci Brus
Kindergarten backpack and supplies
Schedule update: Tuesday's softball game at Boyden Hull has been canceled. We are looking for a replacement game, details TBD.
2 months ago, Joel Brus
Tomorrow's JVR softball games will be played at East Sac in Wall Lake.
2 months ago, Joel Brus
Always looking to recruit new officials, if you have any interest in becoming a certified official for the 2024-2025 school year please contact the RV athletics office. #GoRaptors
2 months ago, Joel Brus
new officials
Ridge View baseball has been selected as a 1st round district host. The games will take place on Saturday, June 6th. See bracket for details.
2 months ago, Joel Brus
district baseball
Schedule Announcement: Softball senior night is scheduled for this Friday at home versus Emmetsburg. The festivities will take place before the game with varsity starting at approximately 7:00 PM
2 months ago, Joel Brus
Congratulations to the Ridge View Raptors softball team on a strong performance in the WVC softball tournament last week. They finished as the runner ups in the tournament. #CLAWSUP
2 months ago, Joel Brus
runner up softball
Softball Schedule update: The Raptors have added a home game versus KPRV for this Thursday, June 27th. JV will start at 5:30, followed by varsity at approximately 7:00PM.
2 months ago, Joel Brus
Schedule update: The Raptor softball team will play Storm Lake Mary's at home tomorrow night at five thirty, with varsity first followed by JV. #GoRaptors
2 months ago, Joel Brus
ELITE ALERT: Congratulations to Tatum Shepherd on completing her two year term as a member of the Iowa High School Girls Athletic Union student advisory board. Tatum is a great representative of our school and a role model for all student female athletes. Tatum was awarded with a commemorative plaque earlier this week at a softball game. #CLAWSUP
2 months ago, Joel Brus
tS advisory
Due to flooding conditions up north, our opponent for today's Delbert Christensen Memorial softball tournament will be unable to play. No softball game today.
2 months ago, Joel Brus
The start times today at hubbard park have been moved up Due to potential evening thunderstorms. Ridge view will be ready to play by 5:15 pm.
2 months ago, Joel Brus
It's not too late to sign your child up for Preschool!!
2 months ago, Caci Brus
Preschool Registration information
Start times for tonight's WVC tournament baseball and softball games have been moved up due to the weather forecast. Softball will play MVAOCOU at approximately 4 in Onawa. and baseball will play OABCIG at approximately 6 in Ida Grove.
2 months ago, Joel Brus